“Ask and it will be given to you ! seek and you will find ! knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Marriage is the first Sacrament instituted at the creation of the world itself. "It is not good that man be alone…." (Gen.2:18). The woman, "the flesh of his flesh", his counterpart, his equal, his nearest in all things, is given to him to accompany, a representation of God himself from whom comes our help. They are no longer two but one. God created human being in His own image and likeness. He gave all dominion and entrusted the whole world in their "CARE". "God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and multiply…;" thus He made them partakers in His mission of Creator. This is a great responsibility on the shoulders of couples.
As we go through the documents of the Church, "family" is truly the school of humanity (Gaudium et spes, 52) as it is the essential agent for evangelization. According to CCC 2204 in a Christian family ecclesial communion is revealed and realized and therefore it can be called a Domestic Church. It is a community of faith, hope and love. It is the communion of persons, a sign and image of the communion of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God who created man out of love, also calls him to love-the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being.
The wrong understanding of the Sacrament of marriage and its responsibilities, the wrong impressions of relationship, inability to understand and accept one another, the personality differences and the influence of mass media, create a lot of problems leading to the deterioration of the familial relationship. It weakens their commitment; thus, the unity and the integrity of family are threatened. To help all the families to become like the Holy Family of Nazareth where commitment to their vocation as husband and wife is nurtured and valued is the aim of Jeevadhara Family Renewal Centre.
Family, the sacred altar, where, love and life are shared, reaches its fullness. As we focus on personal attention and care, we allow only ten couples/ 20 persons for the retreat. To make sure that you know the supremacy of your vocation as couples, sacredness of each one’s call and responsibility, kindly contact us soon.
4th Week
2nd Week
2nd Week
4th Week
2nd Week
2nd Week
2nd Week
2nd Week
2nd Week
2nd Week
2nd Week
2nd Week
Except for January and April, retreats for other months will be conducted on Thursdays right before Second Saturdays.
Adolescence is the time when you learn to see visions. "……and young men will see visions" (Joel2:28b). St. John in his letter exhorts the young saying "……you are strong and the Word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one" (1John 2:14b). Adolescence is a time of search. You may feel or have already felt the need for some guidelines to follow the right path. Thus, your visions would be according to God’s desire or rather, they will be in tune with God. The guidance also would help you to love the Word of God. Parents, teachers and elders are happy to accompany you, the new generation in order to help you get rooted in God.
Because of the time factor "Teens Retreats" are conducted only occasionally. Keep contacting us so that you will know the proper dates in order to make use of this golden opportunity for your growth.
Children are the supreme gift of marriage. The fruit of the moral, spiritual, and supernatural life is extended from parents to children. Personality is developed in the early years of growth. Therefore, it is very important that the children are formed and moulded in the Christian values. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them…” (Luke 18:16). Jesus gives much importance to the sincerity and openness of the children. In today’s world, it is a challenge to make them grow in these virtues. They have numerous traps to fall in, without even knowing that it is a trap. So, we need to be vigilant to protect our children and enable them to grow in God.
Because of the time factor “Teens Retreats” are conducted only occasionally. Keep contacting us so that you will know the proper dates in order to join hands in this great responsibility by sending your children.
Through Baptism we all have received the mission from Jesus. That is “go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” (Mark.16:15). Whether we like it or not, know it or not, we do or not, we are commissioned. Church teachings also emphasize this very much. St. Paul says, “if I preach the Gospel, that gives me ground for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me, if I do not preach the gospel. (1 Cor. 9:16). This tells us that we have no option, but it is our bounden duty.
Each Christian needs to open up to this awareness. “MISSIO” (means mission) is an endeavour to make it a reality, to make each one know this responsibility and prepare those who have the call to proclaim the Good News.
Because of the time factor Missio sessions are conducted only occasionally. Keep contacting us so that you will know the proper dates in order to join hands in this great responsibility.
“God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”. (Gen 1:27) “Therefore, a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife and they become one flesh”. (Ge.2:24) Thus, “The family is entrusted to a man, a woman and their children, so that they may become a communion of persons in the image of the union of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia, no. 29).
Marital conflicts are on the increase leading to divorce or abandonment of responsibilities. Many children suffer due to the conflicts of the parents. What will be their future? What will be the future of the families, Church and Society?
When we educate the young to love with responsibility, we educate a generation. The parents have the biggest role in the formation of the children and keeping up the good atmosphere of the family. If you, as youth, take up the challenge to evangelize/re-evangelize yourself,you can form yourself, form your future families and can contribute much for the formation of your future generations for a life time.
This online course based on Christian spirituality is meant as an intensive course on different aspects of Bible, Theology, spirituality, Catechetics, Psychology, and Sociology for you, the youth from India and abroad to prepare yourself for marriage and family.
This course may be followed also by anyone who wants to prepare oneself for renewal or to prepare oneself with prayer and study to form a family based on the Holy Family and in line with the teachings of the Church. It is conducted for a duration of nine months (July 1 to March 31 – Three Semester program) every year. Its aim is not merely academic or intellectual.
Jeevadhara throbs with life and continues to flow out through its various ministries to bring life and hope.
© Copyright Jeevadhara 2020